A New Approach to
Atmospheric CO2 Drawdown
Harvesting carbon from the air and investing it
in renewable energy equipment

Algae Photobioreactor
By IGV Biotech - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=25767679

Algae Raceway Pond
By JanB46 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=16863305
Keeping global warming below 1.5° C requires that we

The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report, Climate Change 2022 projects that we will need to draw down a cumulative total of between 20 and 660 billion metric tons (“gigatons”) of atmospheric CO2 by 2100.
This drawdown of CO2 overload must occur
in addition to meeting the Paris Agreement
Net-Zero emissions goals.

The Paris Agreement defines how quickly nations plan to stop putting carbon into the air.
The UN Emissions Gap Report 2022 finds that the world is far off track on closing the gap to Net-Zero needed to stay under 1.5° C.
The CO2 overload in the atmosphere
is growing daily.
Did You Know:
Microalgae are responsible
for over half of the world’s oxygen?

Microalgae use photosynthesis to turn CO2 from the air into biomass and oxygen.
An acre of microalgae draws down 2.7 tons of CO2 per day. For comparison, an acre of mature trees draws down 2.6 tons per year.
One acre of algae draws down 985 tons of CO2 each year.
Microalgae grow very fast and can be harvested many times a year. This is the key to achieving atmospheric CO2 drawdown at scale. The algae capture carbon from the air and convert it into food for growth while returning oxygen to the air. Algae are harvested frequently and used as biomass for hydrocarbon splitting. The result is hydrogen gas, carbon allotropes, trace minerals for soil enrichment, and renewable electricity.
The drawing below illustrates the full benefits that arise from pairing algae biomass farming with hydrocarbon splitting.
- The resulting high-volume hydrogen becomes net-hydrogen fuel for clean energy production.
- Carbon allotropes provide next generation materials for manufacturing “green machines”— renewable energy generators, carbon-reinforced infrastructure, and lighter weight vehicles.
- The entire process is conducted with renewable zero-carbon energy.

Algae Biomass + HydroCarbon Splitter™

“It is a wholesome and necessary thing
for us to turn again to the earth
and in the contemplation of her beauties
to know the sense of wonder and humility.”
~Rachel Carson
Hydrogen-based Technology Breakthroughs
HydroCarbon Splitting
This breakthrough technology pre-emptively separates hydrogen from carbon in all types of hydrocarbon feedstocks
- biomass,
- biowaste, and
- fossil fuel.
Harvested Carbon
Carbon that is pre-emptively harvested from biomass, biowaste, and even fossil feedstocks transforms from a dangerous waste to a valuable asset.
Clean Air Injector-Igniter
Combustion engines retrofit with this smart fuel injection system run emissions-free on net-hydrogen fuel.
Hydrogen Fuel
This revolutionary
net-hydrogen fuel is liquid
at room temperature and pressure. It is a renewable, sustainable zero-carbon energy carrier.
Algae CO2 Drawdown
Rapid-growth microalgae draws down atmospheric CO2 at the rate of 2.7 tons per acre per day. Using algae as a biomass feedstock co-harvests carbon and hydrogen in a renewable, zero-carbon emissions process.
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