HydroCarbon Splitting
Expands Decarbonization Options
Co-harvesting carbon and hydrogen from the start
creates a more sustainably prosperous
emissions-free future .

The Hydrogen Association has advocated since the 1980s for greater exploration and investment in hydrogen. Hydrogen is a clean, renewable energy carrier that provides many key solutions to the climate crisis.
- Hydrogen paired with solar and wind energy systems solves their intermittency problem.
- Hydrogen used in combustion applications can clean the air of particulates and pollutants.
- Hydrogen powers fuel cells.
- Hydrogen can be harvested without emissions from hydrocarbon feedstocks using renewable energy.
The HydroCarbon Splitter™ takes the carbon out of substances that rot or burn such as biomass, biowaste, and fossil fuel. Hydrogen is co-harvested in the same process.
This system produces clean hydrogen, carbon, and electricity.
The cost of hydrogen production and challenges in storage and distribution have been barriers to the widespread adoption of the hydrogen solution.
We have committed our support to applied research and demonstration of the McAlister HydroCarbon Splitter™ because our research shows it offers a cost-effective, Net-Zero process for harvesting hydrogen and carbon from a wide variety of feedstocks.
In June 2021, the US Department of Energy launched the Hydrogen Energy Earthshot. This initiative targets a reduction in the cost of clean hydrogen by 80% to $1 per 1 kilogram in 1 decade.
The Department of Energy estimates that achieving the Hydrogen Shot goals can lead to a 500% increase in clean hydrogen use by 2050.
We believe an even larger impact should be achieved.
More than four billion existing combustion engines and industrial devices can be retrofitted to run on hydrogen and actually clean the air. Rapid retrofit hydrogen SmartPlug™ systems can begin immediately to provide the solution to local pollution, global warming.
And ultimately help prevent completion of the sixth mass extinction of life on earth.
Reclaiming the remaining useful life of the installed asset base of engines, boilers, and furnaces
- greatly enhances return on investment on the installed asset base,
- is good environmental practice,
- accelerates the speed to Net-Zero in areas where electrification is difficult, and
- provides an affordable alternative for middle-to-lower income communities.
Hydrogen-based Technology Breakthroughs
HydroCarbon Splitting
This breakthrough technology pre-emptively separates hydrogen from carbon in all types of hydrocarbon feedstocks
- biomass,
- biowaste, and
- fossil fuel.
Harvested Carbon
Carbon that is pre-emptively harvested from biomass, biowaste, and even fossil feedstocks transforms from a dangerous waste to a valuable asset.
Clean Air Injector-Igniter
Combustion engines retrofit with this smart fuel injection system run emissions-free on net-hydrogen fuel.
Hydrogen Fuel
This revolutionary
net-hydrogen fuel is liquid
at room temperature and pressure. It is a renewable, sustainable zero-carbon energy carrier.
Algae CO2 Drawdown
Rapid-growth microalgae draws down atmospheric CO2 at the rate of 2.7 tons per acre per day. Using algae as a biomass feedstock co-harvests carbon and hydrogen in a renewable, zero-carbon emissions process.
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