Imagine a world where the air is cleanwhere glaciers aren't being lostwhere the weather isn't extremepowered by renewable resourcesthat is sustainably prosperous

Video length: 11:16

Editor’s Note: In the time since this video was produced, the global number of combustion engines has increased substantially. As of 2023, there are approximately 4.1 billion combustion engines and devices worldwide. This includes transportation engines (car, truck, train, ship, plane), electricity generators, industrial furnaces, boilers, and heaters.

Vision | Mission

Vision: To facilitate the global transition from an environmentally contaminating energy source (fossil fuel) to a sustainable clean energy source (Hydrogen), thus reversing global warming and creating social, environmental, and economic prosperity worldwide.

Mission: To provide the leadership, technology, and training to lead the world’s hydrogen fuel and carbon products revolution. To solve the world’s clean energy and environmental challenges, and to create thousands of green jobs, energy independence, and global sustainability.