For decades, The Hydrogen Association has fostered the development of regional associations.
The two examples shown below represent
- a pioneer organization that has been in existence for decades and
- a recently-formed association supporting the emergence of the hydrogen energy sector in its region.

The American Hydrogen Association was organized in 1989 and became an Arizona 501c3 nonprofit corporation in 1992.
Its mission is to
- develop and prove solar hydrogen technologies that will eliminate economic, environmental and energy hardships caused by burning one million years accumulation of fossil fuels every year and
- educate scientists, entrepreneurs and experimenters, parents and educators, CEO’s, legislators, utilities, the media and farmers how to use solar hydrogen to create sustainable prosperity without pollution.

The Texas Hydrogen Association was established as a Texas nonprofit in 2022. Its mission is to support the growth of the hydrogen energy sector in Texas and establish a network to connect producers, consumers, and capital providers.
The Association’s objectives include facilitating shared technology, disseminating educational materials, and adapting modeling for hydrogen infrastructure. These goals are achieved through presentations and papers provided to a variety of audiences in multiple venues, extending education and outreach on hydrogen technology to producers, consumers, and capital providers.
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