But It’s Not Too Late

A Real Solution To Global Warming

We can’t wait 30 years to achieve a significant drawdown of atmospheric CO2 and decarbonization of the global energy supply. The climate change emergency is simply too great.
Emergency threat advisories have been issued by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations, National Academy of Sciences, NASA, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Deloitte, McKinsey, and many others detailing the growing damage to the environment, economy, and fabric of society from global warming.
Climate Change is an existential threat to humanity. Many of these damages are inevitable and irreversible unless we can actually draw down greenhouse gas emissions already in the atmosphere (driving global warming), and unless the transition from dirty to clean fuel and electricity can be achieved at global scale. This transition to clean fuel must be done rapidly but not be done in a way which undermines the existing economy.
Climate solutions should be done in way which strengthens social justice (fairness and equity). We embrace a plan for 21st Century job opportunities for everyone, rather than perpetuate economic security and freedom for only a few. The Hydrogen Association advocates for multiple technology solutions to achieve climate change mitigation. These are described in two white papers:
- “What if Carbon is an Asset Instead of a Cost? Put Carbon to Work to Solve the Climate Crisis: A 3-Point Plan” and
- “Algae-Biomass Farming & McAlister HydroCarbon Splitter: A Breakthrough to Solve the Global Climate Change Emergency”.
We can’t wait 30 years to achieve a significant drawdown of atmospheric CO2 and decarbonization of the global energy supply. The climate change emergency is simply too great.
Emergency threat advisories have been issued by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), United Nations, National Academy of Sciences, NASA, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Deloitte, McKinsey, and many others detailing the growing damage to the environment, economy, and fabric of society from global warming.
Climate Change is an existential threat to humanity. Many of these damages are inevitable and irreversible unless we can actually draw down greenhouse gas emissions already in the atmosphere (driving global warming), and unless the transition from dirty to clean fuel and electricity can be achieved at global scale. This transition to clean fuel must be done rapidly but not be done in a way which undermines the existing economy.
Transition to clean fuel must be done in way which strengthens social justice (fairness and equity), and provide 21st Century job opportunities for everyone, rather than perpetuate economic security and freedom for only a few. McAlister Technologies Innovations has created multiple technology solutions to achieve climate change mitigation. This is described in two white papers:
- “What if Carbon is an Asset Instead of a Cost? Put Carbon to Work to Solve the Climate Crisis: A 3-Point Plan” and
- “Algae-Biomass Farming & McAlister HydroCarbon Splitter: A Breakthrough to Solve the Global Climate Change Emergency”.
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